From Seed to Humus offers to highlight free and open-source management tools via this collaborative site. Share your favorite tools!
Here are management methods for meetings, planning, analysis, improvement, animation or even creativity. It is possible to download the documents to reappropriate them as well as possible.
We also present free software to facilitate, or make possible, certain tasks.
We strive to favor fun, transversal or even egalitarian methods.
The site may evolve according to your comments.
The creations of this site can be found on Wikimedia and here!
This site is under a free license (Copy, modify, improve and reuse freely!).
It is therefore collaborative and you can be a part of it on many levels (translation, writing, IT, graphics, ideas, donation…). To collaborate, go to "Volunteering" (top right).
This is a "seed to humus" creation. Find more content here:

From Seed to Humus offers to highlight free and open-source management tools via this collaborative site. Share your favorite tools!